
103 Newton Road, Mumbles, SA3 4BN

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Opening Time

All day 9.00 - 18.00

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Chris Corcoran

Chris Corcoran

  • Following : 0
  • Last Modified: 28 February 2024
  • Name : Chris Corcoran
  • Profile : Comedian and broadcaster
  • Bio : BBC Wales tv/radio presenter Chris was a teacher before he became a stand-up comic. He was also appointed ‘Reading Hero’ by the Welsh Assembly Government and went all around the country inspiring youngsters to read more. Chris is now a highly successful stand up comic, BBC radio and tv presenter and comedy writer. For many years he co-presented a Saturday morning programme with Rhod Gilbert for BBC Wales and is still a regular guest on the programme. The tour of his comedy show ‘Committee Meeting’ was extremely successful and was picked up by BBC 3 tv. Chris has presented many rugby related programmes for BBC Wales tv and radio and presents his own chat shows for BBC Radio Wales. Chris is a great speaker and host who interacts with his audience extremely well.

    From mood-boosting books and group activities to large print and audio books, libraries will be showing how they can have a positive impact on your life during the 'Get Reading, Get Better, Get Libraries' campaign.

Chris Corcoran




103 Newton Road, Mumbles, SA3 4BN

For all enquiries email


Opening Time

All day 9.00 - 18.00


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