
103 Newton Road, Mumbles, SA3 4BN

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Opening Time

All day 9.00 - 18.00

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FeaturedSue Kent

Sue Kent

  • Following : 0
  • Last Modified: 9 January 2024
  • Name : Sue Kent
  • Profile : Presenter
  • Bio : Sue Kent is an award-winning presenter for BBC2 Gardener’s World, an RHS Ambassador for disability and an RHS and Gardener’s World Live garden design medal winner. Sue is a regular on our screens since joining Gardeners world as a presenter on BBC2 in 2021. She first appeared on our screens during lockdown in 2020 after a guest segment presenting from her beautiful garden in South Wales.
Sue Kent

Sue Kent is an award-winning presenter for BBC2 Gardener’s World, an RHS Ambassador for disability and an RHS and Gardener’s World Live garden design medal winner.

Sue was born with an upper limb disability as her mother had been prescribed to take Thalidomide for morning sickness while pregnant. With an innate ability to turn obstacles into opportunities, Sue shares practical insights, strategies, and tools to navigate life’s challenges. She emphasises the importance of self-belief, resilience and embracing ones unique strengths to achieve personal and professional success.

Sue released her first book ‘Sue Kent Garden Notes’ in Autumn 2023 and continues to wow audiences across the UK as a hugely engaging presenter and guest speaker with real star quality. Her talks are interesting, fun and informative. She comes at gardening from an angle new to many of us but that is also completely relatable. She connects immediately with the audience through her infectious enthusiasm for the subject and her zest for life – and helps her audience to gain a greater understanding of how they can unlock their own abilities.

From corporate conferences to educational institutions, Sue’s powerful talks have resonated with individuals and organisations seeking inspiration, motivation and a fresh perspective on triumphing over adversity.

Photos by Jenny Smith*





103 Newton Road, Mumbles, SA3 4BN

For all enquiries email


Opening Time

All day 9.00 - 18.00


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